Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) is a five-year initiative of Global Communities to bolster trade in key agricultural sectors, grains, pulses, dairy, and horticulture in Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi by increasing access to financing and markets for small and medium-sized agribusinesses. AIMS is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In partnership with business advisory service providers, AIMS builds the capacity of these SMEs and improves access to both domestic and regional markets through enhanced buyer-seller linkages and better market information. Prolific Business Consultants is a qualified business advisory service provider who has been working with Global Communities for the last two years in capacity building for the SMEs as offering subsidized consultancy on a fee-for-service model. 


In a bid to sensitize SMEs to consider listing on the Exchange, CMA held an incubator and accelerator experience aimed at encouraging SMEs to list on the Growth Enterprise Market Segment (GEMS) of the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Interested companies had the opportunity to participate in structured engagements with the CMA, NSE, Nominated advisors(NOMADS), Transaction advisors, Lawyers, Auditors, Stockbrokers among other service providers. With our experienced in financial management for SMEs, we partnered with CMA in engaging in with firms that have potential issuers that could be nurtured through incubation.



The Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC)’s strategic plan focuses on development of wholesale lending to de-risk and catalyze financing the agricultural sector as one of its strategic areas. To achieve this, AFC lends through SACCOs and Microfinance Institutions(MFIs).
Prolific has worked in collaboration with Global Communities to implement a capacity building initiative targeting SACCO and MFI leaders. The exercise was aimed at enhancing the leaders’ capacity in the areas of Leadership & Governance, Technical Skills as well as Monitoring & Evaluation.
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